
What's Outside Your Window

Here's mine.

I took this a couple of days ago when never never land was being punished by Zeus coz I lost my bet against Peter Pan in the ateneo vs feu championship game. That's why you guys are having a sunny weather back there.

I thought being sent to never never land was a punishment I would have to serve for a million lightyears; that I am doomed to be miserable and sad forever. Then I realized after looking at this picture that no matter where I am now, no matter how hard life can get, there is still beauty and happiness. All I need to do is to look within myself and use my heart to look beyond the horizon.

I am no expert when it comes to tackling life's hardest issues, hell, I even suck at it. But come to think of it, the torture you need to go through in school, the pain of working your ass off for a salary just enough for your daily fare, the agony of being unemployed and being stuck at home every single day - all of these make us feel human. We stumble and fall in our pursuit for happiness but what's important is that we rise everytime we fall with our chin held high and with a smile on our face.

We always think that getting something we really want constitutes happiness. But why do we have to wait for so long when we can be happy now?

Delight in simple things.
Appreciate the little joys life showers you.
Be grateful.
Every single day.

Remember, you could always choose to be happy.

p.s. I'm really sorry this post sounds like a lecture. haha. I'm just talking to myself really.  Damn, I forgot where I placed my comedy wand. :) 


Anonymous said...

i am choosing to be happy now :)
wo ai ni, eula!~


eulalala said...

love you too. :)