
sad valentine's day. :(

today is valentine's day. i'm sad. i miss my high school friends so much. it has been ages since we last saw each other. i miss them so bad. but i don't know if they still value me that much now. the feeling of being so alone and having no one to talk to makes me cry. i never really wanted to cry. crying makes me look stupid. but yeah. it did make me feel quite better.

i've been sitting and thinking all day through about what have i not done to make the friendship on fire. i've been busy trying to pass cnu's standards. and right now, i'm paying the price. my high school friends don't care about me at all or maybe they are busy with school too. they didn't even bother to text and say 'happy valentine's day'. they don't ask me out like they used to. they have completely forgotten me. and i can't forgive myself for letting it happen. ugh. wah. i don't want to cry anymore.

but sadness aside, i'm happy coz special people made me smile throughout the day. it was so sweet of mayor charlie to give roses to the girls in class and chocolates for the boys. i was touched. close college friends made me smile and laugh. i can't thank them enough.

i love my college friends but i miss my high school friends so much.