I am one independent woman. Am I?
There was a time in college wherein I was assigned in the pediatric ICU alone while all of my groupmates were in the main ward area. I stayed there for 7 solid hours (minus 1 hour break time) and I took care of 6 critical kids - every hour vital signs monitoring, IVs, sponge bath, bedside care, plus a newborn that needs a q 15 heart rate monioring. Not a single minute was spent idly. I looked out through the glass window and I saw my friends sitting down and just chatting with each other. It was a long duty day for me. I was alone with my tasks. I don't have anyone to share my responsibilities with. When it was time for our end duty circle, our clinical instructor asked us to describe each other and one of the things that strucked me most among all the adjectives they've given: she is independent.
I have traveled alone. I was scared to wits and at the same time excited on my first international travel at the age of 20. I know a 3 or 4 year old kid has done the same (and we were on the same plane) but it is a different thing when you are just all alone finding your way through an unknown busy airport, going from one terminal to another, surrounded by foreign sounding people. I was even the only passenger the whole plane is waiting for because I got lost. lol
And now, I'm all alone in the day shift. No one to talk to. No one to share meals with. No one to keep me company. So emo, I know, but I ain't complaining! hehe
I actually don't know where this post is heading. Maybe I'm just bored with work stuff so I decided to blog instead. Maybe I just want to cheer myself up. Maybe I just need some ice cream. Yeah, I think that's it. I want some ice cream. ICE CREAM!!!